
Showing posts from September, 2018

do implant get failure?

                                                  DO IMPLANTS GET FAILURE? Many people when they decides to proceed with dental implants,first question strikes their mind is how long does it lasts and what happened if it got failure?we in MSR dentistry gives life time warranty for our implants and also for crowns.all over we see only 1 % of  implant failure.that too it was not an implant failure,we call it as implant loosening.yes when over force is given for crowns over implants,they may get reflected into these cases we will remove the old one and replace it with a new one.this is the only way where implant loosening avoid this you have to follow the instructions given by your after implantation is done. MSR DENTISTRY   AND IMPLANT  CENTER .                                                                         Address:-                                                                   Vallarlar Illam NO 68,                    

brands of dental implants

                                                BRANDS OF DENTAL IMPLANTS There are many brands of dental implants are seen now a days in to our field.Each implants have their unique specialty and properties. They are designed in a specially sterilized manner. However all implants are going todo one great job, they will get into bone and get fixed permanently over which a crown will be placed. Each implant cost varies depending on their properties and values.For more details please click here . we in MSR DENTISTRY are doing all kinds of advanced implants at affordable price. MSR DENTISTRY   AND IMPLANT  CENTER .                                                                         Address:-                                                                   Vallarlar Illam NO 68,                                                                          Anna  Street,                                                                       Chitla

why fixed replacements?

                                                    WHY FIXED REPLACEMENTS? When you have a missing tooth,you have two options for replacing it.One is fixed other one is removable. REMOVABLE REPLACEMENT  Removable replacement means you will get a denture with all your missing teeth.It is made up of acrylic plate,this will cover your entire jaw even you have single missing tooth.You should remove your denture during your sleep.Your denture can be removed and placed again by your own as per your need. FIXED REPLACEMENT Fixed replacement ,as the name indicates it will gets fixed into your cannot remove it by yourselves.There are two types of fixed replacement are is BRIDGE other is IMPLANTS.for more details please click here .                                          MSR DENTISTRY   AND IMPLANT  CENTER .                                                                         Address:-                                            

are dental implants expensive?

                                             ARE  DENTAL IMPLANTS EXPENSIVE? Dental implants are not expensive,they are higher in cost when compared to other dental treatments. Each dental implants are designed in a unique manner.And the crown over implants is made by technicians in lab for about two to three days using advanced 3d technology manner.Dental implants are one time investment for your teeth.We will provide you life time warranty for your implants.Once implant is done ,you can start eating whatever you want,which is an major advantage of implants.Dental implants will make you feel that you got your own natural teeth back. We in MSR dentistry providing EMI options for dental implants & also for other dental procedures.                       NOW TELL ME,ARE DENTAL IMPLANTS EXPENSIVE?                                      MSR DENTISTRY   AND IMPLANT  CENTER .                                                                         Address:-

how crowns get attached to implants?

                                           HOW CROWNS GET ATTACHED TO IMPLANTS?                                                       Dental implants are placed inside our bone,where crown will be given in outer portion over the gums.These two will get connected by an part called ABUTMENT. Dental abutment will be placed over implants and gets screwed.This acts as a connector between implants and crown.Abutments are of different types also. 1.straight abutment 2.Angled abutment Depending on the position of implants,implantologist will decide the abutment accordingly. Crowns will get fixed over abutment .crown fixing can be done in two ways. CEMENT RETAINED  Here the crown will be fixed over the abutment with GIC cement.This procedure resembles normal crown fixing. SCREW RETAINED  In screw retained ,there will be a opening for screw,which gets attached to abutment.We will tighten up the screw of crown with abutment,over which normal ce

how dental implants are made

                                           WHAT DENTAL IMPLANTS ARE MADE OF? Dental implants are made of  pure titanium ,which is available in four grades,depending on the amount of carbon,nitrogen ,oxygen and iron.Only high grade titanium are used for dental implants. Dental implants have different types of surfaces which determines the their types. Titanium has a very important aspect called OSTEOPHILIC.(osteo -bone,philic - love) .This makes implants to get attached to bone 100 percent.Titanium dental implants are bio compatible. Now implants are seen in zirconia material too.Zirconia implants ia an advanced one.Zirconia implants is not made metal,so patient who asks for metal free implants,zirconia dental implants is a best option.                                                     TITANIUM                 ZIRCONIA                                         MSR DENTISTRY   AND IMPLANT  CENTER .                                                    

guided implants

                                                 HOW GUIDED IMPLANTS WORK? With new advancements in implants,we are steeping one step forward with guided implants.  BENEFITS: 1.Minimally invasive 2.No suture 3.Less visits 4.Crown on same day 5.Affordable   VISITS Once you decided to go for guided implants after your dentist consultation,they will advice you to take a three dimensional x ray called CBCT,which is much needed for this procedure. After cbct,we will take upper and lower impression.Immediately both the cbct and impression will be sent to implant authorization. Within 3 to 4 days implant plan and guide will arrive to respective clinic. Then on proper treatment schedule ,implants will be placed using guide within 15 to 20 mins. Once implantation is over,temporary crown will be given immediately.Then after a month,permanent crown will be given