
Showing posts from November, 2021

How to overcome injection phobia!!!@@

 It is also called as Trypanophobia which means extreme fear of dental procedures involving injections. There are multiple dental procedures can be done without injections such as scaling,filling,crown preparation,laser treatment,Orthodontic treatment,Impressions. But some procedures like Extraction,Implant placement,Root canal treatment done under local anesthesia. How to overcome the fear of injection: Nowadays we are using the most advanced method of LA injection technique That is called painless injection Computerized injection. This technology is automatic delivery of anesthetic solution at a fixed pressure regardless of variations in tissue resistance. It won't  be painful and there is no discomfort  while inserting into the mouth which is completely painless injection. so  do not worry about the  injection ,needles,etc And  LA gel,LA spray also available to minimize fear of injections.  We at Dr.Vivek's MSRams dentistry have provided effective treatment to many patients

Is that any necessity to replace the missing tooth

 After pain comes we used to go for a dentist and extract the tooth we are not replacing it because of the cost factor !!!! Why the missing tooth has to be replace? Because,  Difficulty to chewing food,it may cause  improper digestion. If it is front teeth missing ,you are also esthetically compromised. If you are not replacing the missing teeth for longer period,the opposing teeth and adjacent teeth can be migrate into that space. After that you may feel food lodgement and tooth will come out of the socket so that tooth has to be remove. if you are not replacing that lost tooth,you may losing multiple  tooth. Not able to eat   your liked  food    So that you can replace the missing tooth as soon as possible Missing teeh can change the shape of your face  . It affects jaw funtion and  create a malocclusion.              We at Dr.Vivek's MSRams dentistry have provided effective treatment to many patients and the outcome of the procedure was successful. To know more about us  click

Myths about dental implants

                                          MYTHS ABOUT DENTAL IMPLANTS 1 DENTAL IMPLANTS ARE EXPENSIVE                 T he dental implants might not be as expensive as one thinks.                 Dental implants are permanent and look and function more like a natural tooth                   Dental implants are meant to last for at least 10 years, so people are investing for the long term.                      2 DENTAL IMPLANTS ARE PAINFUL                A  dental implant placement surgery is  equally uncomfortable as a simple dental extraction.               A  dental implant placement  is performed with anesthesia or sedation, so there is no pain during procedure               After implant placement  might be  some tenderness,this is usually remedied with counter pain medication 3 IMPLANTS ARE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE                             Age factor is not determining if someone is good implant candidate.              Dentist will evaluate the patient's overall health,bone stren


       Smoking can  cause dental problems,people who  smoke are high risk of developing  oral cancer. EFFECTS OF SMOKING: Gum problems may occur ,so weakens the teeth you may lost your teeth also. Complications  after tooth removal or any kind of dental surgery Decay on the root surface of teeth Discoloration of teeth Bad breath also called as halitosis Decreased taste sensation Smoking is the major cause for oral cancer(Cheek,Tongue,Floor of the mouth) If  you  are having  a non healing ulcers and discoloration of oral mucosa  or patches ,Kindly visit your dentist and take a regular check up We at Dr.Vivek's MSRams dentistry have provided effective treatment to many patients and the outcome of the procedure was successful. To know more about us  click here .                                                MSR DENTISTRY   AND IMPLANT  CENTER .                                                                          Address:-                                                          


  WHAT IS CROWN ?         Dental crown   c an also be used to cover up a tooth that’s very worn down or severely discolored or tooth which is treated with root canal treatment and dental implant . They can also be used in conjunction with bridges  to strengthen multiple teeth. CERAMIC CROWN :                                     Metal ceramic crowns are commonly used in most of the dental clinic.They have framework that is metalic  which is coated with ceramic layer.  BENEFITS AND DRAWBACKS : Metal ceramic crowns are cost effective. This type of crown also have a good strength. Aesthetic wise less comparatively Zirconia crowns  Another major issue we have seen with metal ceramic crown is over the time when gums receding leave black line along with gums . as zirconia are metal free it will not cause any problem like this. wearing of ceramic layer while using this metal ceramic crown then the metal layer can be exposed. In future  if you are go to take MRI they advised to remove the metal

                                                       WHAT IS DIGITAL IMPRESSIONS                    Digital Impressions   are  the latest technology in capturing a replica of the mouth . By using a wand-like tool connected to a computer and advanced software, a dentist can create a virtual model of the hard and soft tissues in the mouth. ADVANTAGES OF DIGITAL IMPRESSION: Comfortable to the patient Increase productivity and efficiency   To provide high  degree of accuracy   Less working time  To prevent gag reflex than the conventional method Digital scanners are also improve patient education Easily sterile  ARE  DIGITAL IMPRESSIONS ARE SAFE?                 In digital scanning, concentrated light is used which is accurate and safe. Thorough details of the gums and teeth are captured. Similarly, digital optical scanners are accurate and safe too. There is no doubt that digital impressions are more accurate, efficient and productive than traditional impressions We at Dr.Vivek's