
Showing posts from January, 2022

After care instructions: Dos and Don'ts after a dental filling

  Do not eat anything for the first hour after the filling is placed. To avoid very hot or cold food immediately after getting filling. To avoid sticky food for few days. Do not chew very hard food. Some patient feels mild sensitivity after filling but which is normal  and will resolve  within few days. Do brushing and flossing  regularly after filling                                                                                         we at Dr.Vivek's MSRam's Dentistry  have world's best two intra oral scanner as patient comfort is our main concern.                                    Dr.VIVEK'S  MSRAM'S DENTISTRY   AND IMPLANT  CENTER .                                                                         Address:-                                                                   Vallalar Illam NO 68,                                                                          Anna  Street,                                                                       Chit

Cosmetic dentistry

 Do you want to improve your teeth and smile. In that case, Dentistry paves you a lot of ways to get the smile which you want to have. Cosmetic dentistry refers to the procedures which improves the look of your teeth and gums.  TEETH WHITENING: Discolouration of your teeth caused by various reasons which include calculus, plaque, certain food, smoking, etc., Bleaching or removing the exteral stains of your teeth professionally is the safer way to make your teeth several shades lighter. DENTAL IMPLANTS: Teeth not only helps us to masticate food but also gives us confidence and beautiful smile. Missing teeth due to trauma, decay or any other factor brings our confidence down when we meet people to talk and smile. so here there is a best solution for you to regain your lost confidence by having dental implants which are safer and mimics exactly like your lost teeth.. they do not slip or they do not come out of from the mouth. hence it is safe to use and gives natural look. PORCELAIN VENEE