will diabetes affect dental health

                                IS DIABETES HAVE LINK WITH DENTAL HEALTH

Many have not known that diabetes have link with oral health.But ,yes diabetes have a connection with teeth.Once we are diabetic our teeth health will become poor.The glucose level will affect your gums and bone that hold the teeth firmly.


 There are two types of diabetes.

 TYPE 1 diabetic - This is a condition where our body cannot produce glucose that gives energy to us.

TYPE 2 diabetic - This is a condition where our body cells produce a resistance to insulin.Even it produces it cannot give any energy to us.

How is the connection between diabetic and tooth occur

Due to this uncontrolled blood glucose level,gum and bone gets weakens. High sugar level in blood leads to this complications.Amylase that present in saliva is the major reason for this.ALPHA amylase and PTYALIN contains glucose.So when there is increase in blood glucose ,there will be change in saliva composition also.Glucose in saliva will be more.Then the bacteria will also be rich in saliva.Saliva along with food particles make a thin layer over teeth called plaque.Saliva is an important fluid that bathe teeth always.BACTERIA LOVES SWEET(glucose).So when bacteria rich in glucose stays in teeth for long time it weakens the gums. 

When more plaque accumulates gums will get weakens.When gums get weakens bleeding will be there during brushing.If you are not aware of it for long time then your teeth will become mobile,this is the reason why diabetes patients have mobile teeth.

                               so take care of your teeth when you are diabetic ,for healthy life.

                                               MSR DENTISTRY  AND IMPLANT CENTER.

                                                                  Vallarlar Illam NO 68,
                                                                         Anna  Street,
                                                                     Chennai - 600064.
                        Landmark : Near Gangai amman koil                      

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