
Showing posts from April, 2018

tooth colored filling.

Patient aged 45 years came to our MSR dentistry with the cheif complaint of decayed tooth and food lodgement in upper right back tooth region.We clinically examined the patient and decided to do composite filling (tooth colored filling) First we explained clearly about composite filling to the patient.Then we proceeded with the treatment. We removed the decayed part first and cleaned that area well,then we did tooth colored filling over there. Patient is happy and comfortable after the treatment.For more details about tooth colored filling  click here .                                             MSR DENTISTRY   AND IMPLANT  CENTER .                                                                          Address:-                                                                   Vallarlar Illam NO 68,                                                                          Anna  Street,                                                    

what is gingivitis ?

                                                             GINGIVITIS Gingivitis is the next stage of gum disease.Here the gums will get swallowen,reddish and gets detached from teeth.So there will be space between teeth and gums,which makes bacteria ,debris (plaque) and food particles get trapped easily. Untreated gingivitis will leads to periodontitis ,which is an advanced stage of gum diseases. DO I HAVE GINGIVITIS? SIGNS OF GINGIVITIS you will feel the bad breathe from your mouth often. your gums will bleed ,while brushing  reddish gums you may feel teeth to appear longer, due to recession(lowering of gums) the t ips of gingiva will be rounded ,where normal gingiva has sharp tips CAUSES OF GINGIVITIS  1. Poor oral hygiene 2. Improper brushing/flossing technique 3.Injurious habits ( smoking/pan chewing/tobacco) 4.Uncontrolled diabetes 5.Pregancy ( not in all cases) 6.Intake of medications ( seizures tabl

all on 4 implants

                                             WHAT IS ALL ON 4 IMPLANTS? All on 4 implants is an advanced technique in Implantology.As the name indicates the whole process will stand on 4 implants. WHAT IS ALL ON 4 IMPLANTS? All on 4 as the name indicates the whole process will stand on 4 implants.Many have a doubt that will it stay long?YES absolutely it is strong and good.Our most of the bitting forces will transfer to first molar teeth.So two implants will hold on to anterior (front teeth) and two will hold on to premolars and molars(back tooth).So there will be equal distribution of forces. ADVANTAGES OF ALL ON 4 IMPLANTS                                                                   Get back your natural teeth like functioning   New teeth in short period of time  Long lasting smile   You can eat whatever you want   Easy care for your new (replaced)teeth  Can applicable on health issues(cardiac problems,blood sugar low/high,diabetes) HOW A

what is gum disease?

                                                      WHAT IS GUM DISEASE?  Many are now aware of gum diseases.We are here to explain the causes and prevention of gum diseases. Before we know about gum diseases ,we should know about our gums first. WHAT ARE TEETH GUMS Gums are the supporting tissue that holds teeth to bone.Our gums are usually  pale pink in color. It appears likes edges in between teeth. WHAT IS GUM DISEASE Gums are the supporting tissues around the teeth.If  gums get  infected then teeth will loose its major support.In early stages bleeding gums ,bad breathe dark colored gingiva will be noticed,then in later stage teeth will get mobile (loosened,shaking).If 5 to 6 teeth gets infected with gingiva we call it as gingivitis and almost all the teeth is infected ,it is called periodontitis .(advanced stage of gingivitis) CAUSES FOR GUM DISEASE 1.Over brushing 2.Using tooth picks 3.Improper flossing technique 4.Smoking pan chewing toba

how dental implants are placed

                                             HOW DENTAL IMPLANTS ARE PLACED? Dental implants is an artificial root that placed in to our bone.Click here to know more about   dental implants  . Once you decided to go for implants,your dentist will explain you everything what is going to be done.Here now  we see step by step the implant placement. STEP 1 Local anesthesia will be given at the site where implants are to be placed.Then flap removal will be done in a very little amount (only of it is necessary). STEP 2 Then now slowly we will start creating a space for implant with a machine called physio dispenser.This physio dispenser has varying speed in it. Implantologist should choose correct speed for implants. This machine will have a hand piece along with it ,where the drills are inserted.Drills in means not a big ones,a small pin like drills. In correct order of sequence drilling process will be done.This is done only to gain space for implants to hold

your amazing tongue

                          DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR AMAZING TONGUE? Human tongue is one of the most sensible organ.It has no bone attachment &  richly filled with nerves and blood vessels.Our tongue is pale pink in color.Shape of our tongue can not be determined,it is roughly an inverted triangle in shape .The end of tongue is its tip then is becomes narrower and at end it is broader.The right and left side if tongue is separated by a thin fibrous tissue called  lingual septum ( a mild groove like structure). Our tongue is attached to hyoid bone in the floor of mouth.This bone is attached to the root of tongue ,in front of the neck between the lower jaw (mandible) and cartilage of  larynx. Our tongue handles many functions.It is main organ to distinguish between the taste .It also plays an important role in speech &  helps in swallowing process, also  to prevent food from coming out the mouth.It cleans the teeth also. TASTE BUDS IN TONGUE

specialist in dentistry

                                                     SPECIALISTS IN DENTISTRY There are various specialist in dentistry like normal medical field.Many of them does not know about it.Here we are to help you out with that and make your dental health a prior one. 1.ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGEON As the name indicates,the oral and maxillofacial surgeons will do extraction ( removal of teeth),surgeries related to facial structures(nose,zygoma,sinus),tempro mandibular joint disorders (TMJ problems) 2.ENDODONTIST Our tooth has two parts roughly.One crown and another root.Endodontist will deal with tooth roots.Yes,infections in roots will get cleared out by endodontist.They mainly do root canal treatment (RCT). Click here for more information about root canal treatment. 3.PERIODONTIST Periodontist deals with gums.Gums are the surrounding tissues around the teeth.They are the major support for teeth.If gums get infected,teeth will loose their strength up to 50 %.So peri

what are dental xrays

             DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE X- RAYS TAKEN BY YOUR DENTIST  x rays in dentistry shows clearly the in and around  anatomical structures  of teeth ,which can not be seen over clinical examination.It is an easy way also.This helps dentist to diagonse the problems and treatment plan in an very precise manner. There are many types of dental xrays in the field.Lets know all about it,in one by one. 1.PERIAPICAL INTRA ORAL XRAY   This type of xrays is the most commonly used one in dental field.This will show the exact structures of not only teeth,but also the surrounding structures like gums,tissues,blood vessels and bone.But this is not a three dimensional x ray.This is only two dimensional x-ray.First your dentist will place a dental film inside your mouth in paticular region,this x ray covers maximum of four teeth.The most important thing here is,you should not change your position when your dentist takes your x-ray,then a cone shaped x ray machine will be

types of crown

                                                          TYPES OF CROWNS We usually heard about dentist explaining different types of crown.Yes there are many types of crown in dentistry.we now see all the types of crown and the difference between each one of them. 1.metal crowns (MC Crown) metal crowns ,the name itself indicates the crown is made up of full is metallic in color.this is not much aesthetical  in appearance.strength wise this is equal to all ceramic a days most of dentist are not recommending this crown. 2.stainless steel crown(SS Crown) stainless steel crowns are mostly used for childrens below 13 years by pedodontist.children who has done pulp therapy will use stainless steel crown.because stainless steel crowns are less in sensitivity.they do not need much maintainence.they will fall off with primary teeth(milk teeth). 3.procelin fused to metal crown(PFM Crown) procelin is a material that mimics natural to