what is dental abscess

                                                           TOOTH ABSCESS

                                      DO YOU KNOW ABOUT DENTAL ABSCESS?


Dental abscess is a localised collection of pus in a particular infected region.It mostly occurs due to untreated cavity for prolonged time.It may also occurs due to periodontal diseases(gum disease).Mouth abscess is a  danger sign for both teeth and gums.


1.Gum diseases
2.Cracked/broken tooth
3.Trauma(accidental fall)
4.Foreign body between teeth and gums
5.Harsh brushing


 When there is a prolonged gum diseases, gingivitis or periodontitis  is present,more infection will get into periodontal pocket and causes abscess.


When a teeth is broken,there will be a gap .This gap will permits bacteria and food particles to get accumulated into gums.In this condition with improper maintenance of oral hygiene  leads to abscess.


In accidental cases,tooth may itself get broken and causes abscess.

4.Foreign body between teeth and gums

Sometimes without knowing us some foreign body enters or pricks into gums(like fish throns).These particles if not removed also will leads to abscess.

5.Harsh brushing

Sometimes  hard brushing/improper brushing technique leads to abscess.Some people use tooth brush with hard bristles,this is the main cause for abscess.


Decay usually starts in enamel layer.When it reaches dentin layer  ,you will feel the sensitivity during intake of cold/hot items.And finally, when it touches pulp you will feel the pain.
When decay is in dentin layer tooth colored filling can be done.But when it is in pulp region, there you have to proceed with Root canal treatment.But when the decay is left untreated,pus will start collecting in the tip of infected root and form abscess.In some early cases,there might be a chance of saving tooth.But in later stage,tooth removal is the only treatment.


  • Severe pain in infected tooth & it can spread to ear,head and lower jaw.
  • High sensitivity to hot & cold items.Sometimes in later stage,even normal drinking water causes sensitivity.
  • You cant even chew/bite foods properly,whenever you chew/bite you will feel the pain.
  • Swelling (in rare cases)
  • Bad breathe
 Visit dentist for proper consultation and treatment.

                                          MSR DENTISTRY  AND IMPLANT CENTER.

                                                                  Vallarlar Illam NO 68,
                                                                         Anna  Street,
                                                                     Chennai - 600064.
                        Landmark : Near Gangai amman koil                      

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