
Showing posts from May, 2019

cost of bredent dental implants in chennai | Best Dental Clinic in chennai


what is dental implants in tamil episode 1 | Best Dental Clinic in Chennai


Why should i replace my missing teeth?

WHAT IF I DO NOT REPLACE MY MISSING TEETH? There are so many reasons to replace your missing teeth.And,there are so many ways to replace your missing teeth.The only thing is you should be aware of replacing your missing teeth. CONSEQUENCES OF MISSING TEETH 1.CHEWING EFFICIENCY. When you have a mising teeth,definitely you will have problem in your chewing(masticatory)process.And if that missing teeth is back teeth (molar teeth) ,then you have to replace that for sure.Because 80% of chewing process is taken over by back tooth.Only 10-20% is carried out by front teeth.According to German studies,If you have a single tooth missing,it will reduce the chewing capcity of remaining teeth in your oral region by 10%.Gediatric patients may get digestive problems if they donot chew and eat food properly.So it is better to replace your missing teeth to regain your chewing capacity and also your health. 2.FACIAL PROFILE. When there is a missing teeth,you can feel som

About dental implants episode 1 tamil|Drvivek pandian chennai


Do dental implants rust?

                                          DO DENTAL  IMPLANTS RUST? When we think about dental implants,the first thing that hits our mind is , whether they get rust? And today we are here to clear you doubt in a simple way. Before we talk about dental implants, let me ask you a very simple question.We as common people see rust on common items like gate,locks,etc.And yes those items we saw have major component in them ,IRON .Iron gets rust easily. Dental implants are made of titanium .Now you can ask even all metals get rust?Obviously YES.But it depends only on their manufactuing. Even gold and silver are metal components,do they get rust?we all know, it does not. Now I talk about dental implants.Dental implants are made up of titanium.This was discovered in 1950.Till now we dentist use 98% of dental implants with titanium made. HOW TITANIUM DENTAL IMPLANTS MADE? Titanium is an element with atomic number 22.It has a lustrous finishing & silver in color

what is dental implants|drvivekpandian chennai

   This the video for explain about frequently asked questionnabout  dental implants by drvivekpandian from msrams dentistry

Guided Implantology

                                              HOW AND WHAT IS GUIDED IMPLANTS? In this new competitive and 3D world,our dentistry keeps a major step with guided implants. WHAT IS GUIDED IMPLANTS? Guided implants is an digital navigation surgery.We just need CBCT scan and intra oral digital impression to proceed with implant placement.          MERITS 3D planning Flapless surgery Acuurate analysing of nerve positioning Less visits Minimally invasive  HOW GUIDED IMPLANTS DONE? 1.Specialist consultation On the first day ,we will consult you how guided implants are done. CBCT scan was taken.With this x ray we can determine the bone density for implant placement.Then we will proceed with intra oral digital scanning.This is done with intra oral scanner ,it clearly tells us about the maintenance  of oral hygiene and condition of the gum tissues. 2.Digital planning The taken cbct scan and intral oral digital impression will be sent to res

Best dental implants in chennai | cost of dental implants in india


Basal Dental implants in chennai | Cost of dental implants in chennai


Basal Dental implants in chennai | Cost of dental implants in chennai


Basal Dental implants in chennai | Cost of dental implants in chennai


Basal Dental implants in chennai | Cost of dental implants in chennai


what is veneers?

                                       DO YOU WANT GORGEOUS SMILE IN A SIMPLE WAY?                               Now a days people wants beautiful smile in quick and simple way.Here is the best solution for this. WHAT IS VENEERS ? Veneers is a complete aesthetic treatment.Here we will reduce minimal amount of tooth structure only in upper (facial)layer.Then we will place the crown over there.Veneers is made up of procelin material.This resembles 95% of natural teeth in appearance. HOW VENEER PROCEDURE IS DONE ? Lets explain you the complete procedure in step wise manner step 1 After explaining the whole procedure clearly to the patients we start off with veneers treatment. Minimal amount of enamel reduction is done only in upper layer of teeth.The reduction amount will be equal to the thickness of the veneer material.This will not affect the strength of whole teeth.So we do not wants to worry for trimming enamel.Once we reach enough amount of space for veneer place

Immediate teeth replacement in chennai | Dental clinic in chennai


Cost of dental implants in chennai | Best dental hospital in chennai


basal dental implants in chennai | best dental clinic in chennai


cost of dental restoration treatment in chennai | Best dental hospital i...


dental filling treatment in chennai | Best dental clinic in chennai


composite filling treatment in chennai


composite filling treatment in chennai


Basal implants

                                                      WHAT  IS BASAL IMPLANTS? Basal implants are also known as traditional implants.These implants gets anchorage from basal bone. BASAL BONE Basal bone is the cortical bone (strongest part of bone).Usually our teeth gets impacted in alveolar bone.It is present over the basal bone.The main advantage of basal bone is,these are less prone to infections & there is no chance for bone resorption also. BASAL IMPLANTS                                                         Basal implants will gets fixed into basal bone.It is a lengthier implant in nature.Basal bone provides excellent quality of retention.It is a single piece implant. WHY AND WHEN BASAL IMPLANTS? If you did not replace your teeth immediately after your removal,you will end up in bone loss.Even your alveolar bone has resorped,your basal bone will remain intact.As basal bone is the strongest part of bone.It is also known as cortical bone.So in this s

cost of full mouth dental implants in chennai


Full Mouth Dental Rehabilitation with basal dental implants


guided dental implants IN chennai


How zygoma dental implants gets fixed into bone?

                  HOW ZYGOMA & CONVENTIONAL DENTAL IMPLANTS                                                     GETS FIXED TO BONE?  We all have that one question in our mind,how dental implants gets fixed into our bone?We have cleared your doubt in an easy way below.  human bone is a growing tissue .normally when a bone gets fracture, CALLUS (tiny bone particles )will form around the fractured area and make it heal .So from this,we are able to know that bone is a growing tissue. Dental implants & Bone Dental implants are made up of titanium material,which is bone gets merged into bone easily.once implants are fixed into bone,osseointegration process starts. OSSEOINTEGRATION osseointegration derives from latin word "ossum" BONE 'integrare"TO MAKE IT WHOLE .As the name indicates it makes the bone into whole structure around the implants.osseointegration is a direct functional connection between our natural bone and surface o

Full Mouth Basal Dental Implants in chennai


Nobel Biocare Active Dental Implants in Chennai


Foods after dental implant | Best implantologist in Chennai

                                        FOODS  AFTER ZYGOMA DENTAL IMPLANTS Confused about foods after dental implants?Here we are to make you clear about it. INSTRUCTIONS FOR A WEEK ABOUT FOOD AFTER DENTAL IMPLANT Immediately after implant ,you should have cold fresh fruit juices to make your cheeks cool Then till your permanent teeth are fixed you can take all types of soups in warm hot.You can also have yogurt,puddings and ice creams Mashed potatoes,boiled and smashed eggs,porridge are advised for a week, till teeth are fixed.                                  RECOMMENDED FOODS AFTER IMPLANT You can eat all foods whatever you wish with your new teeth DIARY PRODUCTS Milk,cheese,butter,paneer are good for teeth,they have calcium content ,which makes your bone stronger and helps to lift your dental implants for longperiod. FRUITS & VEGETABLES Fruits contains vitamin C ,fibers and folic acid that enrich your gums & teeth .You can eat

Best Zirconium Crown in Chennai | Dental Clinic in india


Best Zirconium Crown in Chennai | Dental Clinic in india


All on 4 dental implants in chennai | Best Dental Clinic in chennai


Full Mouth Reconstruction with Dental Implants in chennai


Care after dental full mouth/zygoma dental implants

                                    CARE AFTER FULL MOUTH & ZYGOMA DENTAL IMPLANTS We are happy to make you complete again.Here are, every minute details you need to know after your dental implant treatment VERY AFTER DAY OF YOUR IMPLANT Once your dental implant is over and you are back to home ,besides the numbness ,you will feel everything was OK.You have to lie down and just relax.Be cool.Take a long sleep.It is advisable to have some cold beverages after your implantation. THINGS TO BE AVOIDED FOR A WEEK AFTER DENTAL IMPLANT No smoking No alcohol No coffee/tea No sports Hot/spicy food items have to be avoided No force gargling Do not stetch your mouth too much for opening MAINTENANCE OF ORAL HYGIENE Rinsing your mouth Rinsing your mouth plays a major role in maintaining your oral hygiene.You have to rinse your mouth after every meal,to keep your oral hygiene clean and healthy.Only for a week after implantation,it is better for

Front teeth replacement with dental implants in chennai


Steps in zygomatic implants

                                        STEPS INVOLVED IN ZYGOMA IMPLANTS Click here to know full details about  ZYGOMA IMPLANTS . Once placement of zygoma implants are done,the very next day we will go for impression and jaw relation. 1 .IMPRESSION After placing  impression coping ,a component that helps for impression is placed and screwed . Then with pattern resin material we connect all the impression coping,to make a bar. Over which,putty impression is recorded. 2.JAW RELATION  Once putty impression is over,the next stage is jaw relation,it is done with  dental wax material. The main purpose of jaw relation is to measure the facial height (vertical dimension) of people for their new smile. 3.JIG TRAIL The recorded putty impression and jaw relation is sent to respective lab.With these references and other required components,they will provide us with jig trail.This step is used to check the fitting of upcoming prosthesis with