Causes and solution for tooth pain

                                               HOW TO RELIEVE FROM TOOTH PAIN?

                                      ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM TOOTH PAIN?

                                  CONFUSED ABOUT THE REASON FOR THE PAIN?

Here are some reasons and solutions for your tooth pain.

   American studies have proven that ,the worse pain in your whole body which is unbearable is tooth pain.Yes tooth pain is more worser than any pain.If you have tooth pain you will feel difficulty in eating and sleeping.It will affect your routine daily activities.Sometimes tooth pain will leads to pain in head,ear and eyes as a reffered pain.Tooth pain will be sharp,dull or intermittent.There are medications that give you relief from tooth pain.But that is temporary only.Here ,we help you to move for permanent solutions for your tooth pain.
                                                            REASONS FOR TOOTH PAIN

                                           1.Tooth decay/dental caries

                                           2.Wisdom tooth(impacted tooth)

                                           3.Infections in tooth
                                            4.Gum diseases(periodontal diseases)

                                            5.Tooth biting(grinding)

                                           6.Orthodontic tooth movements

                                            7. Fractured tooth(grossly decayed)

                                           8.Rruption of permanent tooth ( in pediatric children)


  Tooth decay is one of the the major cause for tooth pain.85% of tooth pain is due to tooth decay only.Teeth has three layers enamel,dentin and pulp.When decay is in enamel or dentin layer you will feel sensitivity in your teeth.Sensitivity is like a warning alarm for your tooth pain.The moment decay touches the pulp region sharp pain starts in and around that tooth region.

TREATMENT PLAN- Root canal treatment .not all cases need root canal treatment.sometimes deep  decay in dentin also causes that cases tooth colored filling can be done.


           when you have pain in your back tooth region then its an indication for wisdom tooth eruption.For further details visit..treatment plan click here


             Second main cause for tooth pain is infections.When there is trauma & you did not notice it in early stage it will develop in to infection later.Not only in trauma case ,infections in tooth will also due to  prolonged dental caries in pulp and gum diseases.So,it is better to diagnose and treat dental diseases in earlier stage .

TREATMENT PLAN - Most of the infected tooth will go for extraction and replacement.Because it is better to remove the infected teeth ,so that we can avoid spreading of infections to other teeth.In some cases we can save the teeth by laser treatment.LASER treatment is advanced technique in dentistry .It is mainly done to remove infections.


          When there is more accumulation of calculus (tartar) and plaque it will leads to gum recession.Then infections will get into gums easily.It will give you pain.


       In olden days,we will go for flap surgery (gum surgery).But with advancements in dentistry LASER have been introduced.LANAP (Lase Assisted New Attachment Procedure) is a advanced technique.In this process we will pass the laser light through out the infected teeth.It will done in 2 visits.through this process 98% of infections will get rid off.



         This is also one of the reason for teeth pain.Some people may bite their teeth by themselves during night unknowingly.This is called bruxism in dentistry. These people will feel pain in all their teeth.Sometimes bruxism leads to head ache also.In another sinerio,people bite their teeth very strong when they are in anger.this is also one kind of bruxism.

 We will provide a NIGHT GUARD for these cases.Night guard is a transparent material comes with the replica of your teeth.You have to just wear it daily over the night.So the biting force will transfer to guard and not tothe teeth.


          When you are under orthodontic treatment,that is correction of teeth alignment,you will be wearing tooth appliances.They will activate to move your teeth movements.Those forces will give you teeth pain.But this is temporary only.Once ortho treatment is over,you will relieve from this pain.


          Fractured tooth or grossly decayed meaning there will be loss of tooth structure up to 75%.Tooth fracture will occur due to prolonged dental caries,biting of hard substances ,opening bottles with teeth,when somebody hits you or when you fall forcefully.



              When there is 75% loss of tooth structure removal and replacement can be done.In rare cases it can be saved out with root canal treatment.For front teeth fracture, tooth colored filling (composite can be done.When there  is mild mobility splitting can be done to save the teeth.For moderate mobility LASER can be done.And for severe mobility removal and replacement can be done.

8.ERUPTION OF PERMANENT TOOTH (in pediatric children)

Permanent teeth will erupt from 6-14 years of age.When permanent teeth tries to erupt it will give your child pain.During eruption of permanent teeth milk teeth will be mobile.This is the indication for permanent teeth eruption.


  There is no specific treatment  for this condition.It is normal only.Pain will subside once permanent teeth comes out.In some cases where child have more pain milk teeth removal will be done by pedodontics.

                                               EACH TEETH IS VALUABLE
                                            DONT LOOSE THEM AT ANY COST

                             Dr.VIVEK'S  MSRAM'S DENTISTRY  AND IMPLANT CENTER.

                                                                  Vallalar Illam NO 68,
                                                                         Anna  Street,
                                                                     Chennai - 600064.
                        Landmark : Near Gangai amman koil                      

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