
Showing posts from September, 2019

Have you heard about mini dental implants?

                                                HOW MINI IMPLANTS  ARE USED ? 1.MISSING FRONT TOOTH REPLACEMENT Mini implants work same as traditional implants.This can be used in smaller teeth(incisors).Mostly mini implants are used in lower jaw(mandible).They provide equal stability as traditional implants.Crowns will be given over mini implants also.After implantation there will be no difference between traditional and mini implants. 2.IN ORTHODONTIC CASES Mini implants are used mostly in orthodontic cases also,they provides better anchorage and helps in teeth movement completely.Mini implants help to align teeth with easier movements.They can be used in cosmetic dentistry also for teeth alignment. 3.TO TURN REMOVABLE TO SEMI FIXED DENTURE Mini implants are also used to turn up your removable denture into semi fixed dentures.They are placed in appropriate region to hold your removable denture.Then an abutment is placed over mini implants and a

Is it good to invest on dental implants?

                                              ARE  DENTAL IMPLANTS EXPENSIVE? Dental implants are not expensive,they are higher in cost when compared to other dental treatments. Each dental implants are designed in a unique manner.And the crown over implants is made by technicians in lab using advanced 3D technology manner. Dental implants are one time investment for your teeth.We will provide you life time warranty for your implants. Once implant is done ,you can start eating whatever you want,which is an major advantage of implants.Dental implants will make you feel that you got your own natural teeth back. We in MSR dentistry providing EMI options for dental implants & also for other dental procedures.                            NOW TELL ME,ARE DENTAL IMPLANTS EXPENSIVE?                       Dr.VIVEK'S  MSRAM'S DENTISTRY   AND IMPLANT  CENTER .                                                                         Address:-        

Mechanism behind all on four dental implants

                                               HOW ALL ON FOUR IMPLANTS WORK? To know more about all on four implants  CLICK HERE According to this concept,four implants will be placed in a whole arch ,either maxilla or mandible  or both arch in some cases.Here two implants will be placed straight in anterior region(front region) and two implants will be placed in angulated direction(45degree) in posterior region. Angulation  of implants is done to enhance connection between bone and implants.It is also done to improve anchorage in cortical bone (dense part of each bone). We have vital structures like  sinus  in maxilla (upper jaw) and  mandibular nerve  in mandible(lower jaw),by titlting implants to 45 degree we keep these vital structures intact. All on four technique also leads to equal distribution of biting forces among four implants.It helps in final prosthesis (hybrid denture) to hold on upto 12 teeth in each arch.                      

Reasons why clear braces instead of metal braces

REASONS WHY CLEAR BRACES INSTEAD OF METAL BRACES              Form many years, Metal braces is an golden treatment option for alignment of teeth.But now with our advancements & technology ,clear braces was introduced. Clear braces has so many advantages.                               1.No ulceration in lips                       2. No pain in whole treatment                       3.Expected results                       4.No food restrictions                       5.Invisible braces inside mouth                       6.Direct visibility of after treatment picture As this has so many advantages,maximum people are using invisible braces now. STEPS BEFORE CLEAR BRACES DIGITAL IMPRESSION AND CBCT SCAN  We at Dr.Vivek's MSRams Dentistry capture your teeth with our digital impression scanner -  Intra oral scanner .And then we advise three dimensional x ray - CBCT . Then we send both digital impression and x ray to respective lab.They will design you

Am I eligible for dental implants ?

                                          AM I ELIGIBLE FOR DENTAL IMPLANTS? Many people have this question in their mind,whether they can go for Dental implants or not?We are here to help you out from such circumstances. 1.AGE  Dental Implants can be done in all stages of  age.It can done for even adults and also for geriatric people.Age factor is not at all problem for Dental implants. 2.MEDICAL CONDITIONS People with medical conditions like blood pressure/diabetes/cardiac problems can undergo for dental implants.We advice for physician opinion first,before we go for implant treatment.According to that we will plan our procedure. 3.BONE DENSITY On examination with OPG/CBCT ,when your dentist finds there is less bone ,it will not affect your implant treatment here.We need only minimal quantity of dense bone(cortical bone).We advise for bone grafting procedure only if needed. 4.FACIAL OUTCOME. No worries about the facial outcome,you will  cent per

Do implants get failure?

                                                        DO IMPLANTS GET FAILURE? Many people when they decides to proceed with dental implants,first question strikes their mind is how long does it lasts and what happened if it got failure? We at Dr.Vivek's MSRams Dentistry  gives life time warranty for our implants and also for crowns.All over we see only 1 % of  implant failure.That too it was not an implant failure,we call it as implant loosening. Yes when over force is given for crowns over implants,they may get reflected into implants.In these cases we will remove the crown and replace it with a new one if it is necessary.Orelse,we will tightened the old crown,if it is in better condition. This is the only way where implant loosening happens. To avoid this you have to follow the instructions given by your after implantation is done.To know more about after care dental implants please CLICK HERE .                             Dr.VIVEK'S  MSRAM'S DENTISTRY

How dental implant is planned and done

                        HOW DENTAL IMPLANT TREATMENT IS PLANNED AND DONE? To know about dental implants,please . CLICK HERE when a person enters our dental clinic ,we makes our patients feel comfort first.then we ask their problems .we then go for proper treatment CONSULTATION we at Dr.vivek's MSRams dentistry takes patient intra oral pics (digitally) to make them realise about their dental health.then with those clear pictures we will explain the treatment plan clearly.we need an full mouth x ray(OPG/CBCT) of your mouth to determine the bone density for implant placement. IMPLANT PLANNING With the help of those x ray we can go for implant planning.with these x rays we even determine the size and type of implant that suits you the best.Then we clearly explain you step by step how we do implant in a painless manner.pre operative and post operative instructions will also be explained in this consultation. IMPLANT PLACEMENT Local anesthesia will be gi

Can i do implants for single missing tooth ?

                               DENTAL IMPLANTS FOR SINGLE MISSING TOOTH ? Many have a doubt,whether they can do  implants for single teeth?or they can do bridges? No more confusion,implant is the best option for your missing tooth.Implants can be done for single tooth missing,multiple tooth missing and also for full tooth missing conditions. before implants i will tell you about bridges. WHAT ARE BRIDGES? If there one missing teeth between two healthy natural teeth,then it is an ideal condition for bride placement.The name BRIDGE itself shows you the exact meaning.Yes it is connecting two teeth with an new teeth between .The adjacent two teeth will give the full support for the new teeth.The supporting teeth should be treated with  root canal treatment first to avoid complication in future.Then crown will be given in bridge type.                    WHAT IS IMPLANTS ? To know more about dental implants please   Click here . WHAT IF I DO NOT REPLACE MY SINGL

Diabetic and Implants

                                     WILL DIABETIC SHOWS IMPACT ON IMPLANTS?       When you are diabetic you will be having gum problems and shaking teeth, due to your insulin level and calcium level.In type 1 diabetes ,your insulin will be low,so people will intake insulin to make it in a proper way.In type 2 diabetes, insulin level will be high they will intake medicines to reduce insulin in their body. In type 1 diabetes calcium level will be less and their bone density is less.In type 2 diabetes their bone dentistry will be high.Now,implants can be placed in both the conditions.We will first check the blood glucose level before going for implant procedure.If it is normal ,implant treatment will be handled on the same day.In case if it is abnormal ,we will advice the patients to consult wit their diabetician.According to their report further treatment will be carried on. We in MSR dentistry have done hundreds of implants for diabetic patients and their are happily

Are your bone is fit for dental implants ?

                               ARE YOUR BONE IS FIT FOR DENTAL IMPLANTS? As we all know ,Bone is the major ingredient for dental implants. To  know about dental implants please  click here . DENTAL BONE Upper dental bone is known as Maxilla and lower dental bone is known as Mandible. Bone is a dynamic tissue.With the help of  osseointegration  process,dental implants gets fixed into bone. TYPES OF BONE. Best bone for implants are depend on their density.Based on the density ,bone has been divided in to four types.Density is identified with mineral present in it.                                       D1            D2              D3                             D4 D1 BONE (more mineralised) It is the hardest bone in the jaw.This type of bone have less blood supply and limited bone regeneration.More irrigation with saline during Implant placement is must here.This bone is usually seen in lower jaw front region. Dental implants achieve maximum primary stabilit

What is Inter Dental Brush

                                     WHAT & HOW INTERDENTAL BRUSH USED FOR Many use tooth picks,pins or any sharp items to remove the food particles that struck between two teeth,Interdental Brush is an alternative to that.We are here to, explain you clearly about it WHAT IS INTER DENTAL BRUSH ?                              It is a type of brush,that used to remove the food particles  struck between two teeth.As the name indicates,Inter (inside) Dental (teeth & gums) brush,it used to remove the food particles from inside teeth & gums. HOW INTER DENTAL BRUSH IS USED ? It has small bristles on their tip and an holder.The bristles used to remove the food particles from inside. You have to hold the inter dental brush holder with your index finger,and slowly push the bristles in the respected region,where your food got struck.Then slowly pull it out.By doing this ,the food particles watever it may be, will come out easily.  . ADVANTAGES OF INTER