How dental implant is planned and done


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when a person enters our dental clinic ,we makes our patients feel comfort first.then we ask their problems .we then go for proper treatment


we at Dr.vivek's MSRams dentistry takes patient intra oral pics (digitally) to make them realise about their dental health.then with those clear pictures we will explain the treatment plan clearly.we need an full mouth x ray(OPG/CBCT) of your mouth to determine the bone density for implant placement.


With the help of those x ray we can go for implant planning.with these x rays we even determine the size and type of implant that suits you the best.Then we clearly explain you step by step how we do implant in a painless manner.pre operative and post operative instructions will also be explained in this consultation.


Local anesthesia will be given at the site where implants are to be placed (we use needless injection for anesthesia).Then flap removal will be done in a very little amount (only of it is necessary).

Then now slowly we will start creating a space for implant with a machine called physio dispenser.This physio dispenser has varying speed in it.

In correct order of sequence drilling process will be done.This is done only to gain space for implants to hold on to bone.

Once implant is placed,implantologist will check for the stability.This is done by an torque process.This is done by moving clockwise and anti clock wise until it gets stuck & helps to know about the stability of implant placed.

Now implants is placed successful. After this proper components (abutment/cover screw) will be placed over implants and impression will be taken.

Impression will be sent to lab for preparation of crown.Impression  will be taken later,if crown is decided to give after 3 to 6 months.(according to cases crown placement will be decided,whether it is immediately placed or after 3 to 6 months).


Review appointment will be fixed after 3 days.If it is front tooth,we will give you crown on third day ,if it is back tooth crown will be given after 3 months.on third day we will remove the suture and check the healing process.Followed by,we advise every month complementary check up to make sure that dental implants are staying strong.

                           Dr.VIVEK'S  MSRAM'S DENTISTRY  AND IMPLANT CENTER.

                                                                  Vallalar Illam NO 68,
                                                                         Anna  Street,
                                                                     Chennai - 600064.
                        Landmark : Near Gangai amman koil                      

CONTACT :044-42142777/9677541148


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