What is zygoma dental implants ?

                                                   ZYGOMA DENTAL IMPLANTS


When your dentist have told that there is not enough bone in your upper jaw to replace your teeth permanently or in a condition where sinus (curved sinus located below cheeks and above teeth) has been dropped down,we are here to make an stop to these problems and fix teeth permanently with ZYGOMA implants.


zygoma is the strongest bone that present in our cheeks.It is also a denser bone in nature.We can attain maximum anchorage with implants in this bone,compared to normal conventional implants.

It was first introduced by Dr.Per Ingvar Branemark in 1990.Zygoma implants are titanium made with high length.These implants are fixed into zygoma bone over which teeth(hybrid denture) will be given.


Zygoma implants will take place under general anesthesia.It can be done in max 3 - 4 hrs.It is a minor surgical procedure.People recovery will be in an hour.Under general anesthesia your implantologist will make an incision for flap opening,then drilling will be done starting from your first molar teeth crossing your sinus (without even disturbing ) ,finally hitching into zygoma bone.Then zygoma implants with proper length is taken and slowly placed in to zygoma bone(as if like zygoma implants gets impacted into zygoma bone).


You will feel your originality back in your smile and chewing

Can eat whatever you wish

Prognosis - 99 %

Completely painless procedure

No age limits

Not restricted in medical conditions

Teeth will be given in a week


Usage of bone graft is eliminated

Sinus lift augmentation procedure is avoided

You will not wait for your teeth about 3 - 6 months


We at Dr.Vivek's MSRams dentistry have a specialized team for zygoma implants, headed by Best zygomatic implantologist in south India DR.C.VIVEKPANDIAN (oral maxillofacial surgeon & implantologist),trained zygoma implantologist under Dr.Paulo Malo .We have been done plentiful cases in our clinic with success rate of 99.9%.Our success rate is not only determines treatment part,but also the patient comfort and happiness.

We have unique steps to be carried out for zygoma implants.


  1. Zygomatic implants is a procedure that involves anchoring longer than normal dental implants in the cheek bone. The procedure is slightly less invasive than the traditional sinus lift or bone grafting so therefore the patient experiences less discomfort, the whole procedure can be completed in one day and so far it has an almost 100% success rate. Zygomatic Dental Implants can be complimented with traditional dental implants in the anterior portion of the mouth. It is also possible to exclusively use zygomatic implants to support prosthesis when bone in the upper jaw is totally insufficient.
    Zygomatic Implants in Mumbai


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