
Showing posts from December, 2020

How to treat my space between my teeth ?

                     ARE YOU SHY TO SMILE FOR PHOTO PICS ,AS YOU HAVE SPACING  IN                                                                 BETWEEN YOUR TEETH? There are people who turned conscious during photography.They mainly concerned about their smile.When there is a proclined or spacing teeth people wont smile confidently for their photographs. Here we give a complete and perfect solution for specially these people. There are many ways to close spacing.Here it comes one by one: 1.Orthodontic treatment 2.Root canal treatment 3.Tooth colored filling 4.Veneers 1.ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT As we all know,braces will close the gaps in between teeth.But now with our advancements ,there is a new type of braces called INVISALIGN.It is a transparent material like braces.People will not know that you are wearing braces.The time duration is also less comparatively to metal braces.There is no food restrictions also here. 2.ROOT CANAL TREATMENT This is an another option for gap closure.Peopl

will dental implants affects eyes?

                                        WILL DENTAL IMPLANTS AFFECTS EYES  ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Many people   will have a doubt ,that dental implants will affects eyes.?       This is one of the major myth about dental implant. We will explain you clearly about it below.First,we have to know about types of dental implants &  their connection with orbital floor(eyes) - CONVENTIONAL DENTAL IMPLANTS           This is the major type of dental implants,that we commonly used for patients.These implants will fixed into jaw bone.(maxilla or mandible).It is about 6 mm - 16 mm in length maximu

painless dental implants

                                           WAY TO PAINLESS DENTAL IMPLANTS                                      (CONSCIOUS SEDATION - SLEEP DENTISTRY) WHAT IS SLEEP DENTISTRY ?                           Sleep dentistry is especially for patient who have more anxiety and fear.Sleep dentistry is also called as Sedation dentistry or Relaxation dentistry. There are some people who do not wants to visit  dental hospital due to fear of pain.This is called DENTOPHOBIA [fear for dentist].Sleep dentistry has been introduced specially for these people. Phobias like tryphanophobia (fear for needles) and latrophobia(fear for doctors) make a platform for dentophobia. Dentophobia usually comes due to direct or indirect negative experiences with any of these phobias. .In sleep dentistry you will be partially conscious.You will not loose your full consciousness.You will able to answer and respond to us ,but you will not remember what was happened during your treatment. We will explain you clearly befo

Digital impression & consultation with our Intra oral scanner

                                                                     CAPTURE EVERY SINGLE SIDE OF YOUR EACH TOOTH Digitally visualize your teeth and gums through your eyes directly .Many people try to look into their teeth and gums with mirror .Yes that is a very difficult task,as we all know.  Technologies are moving above the sky,with the help of these technologies and advancements we dentistry also steeping into next floor by launching INTRA ORAL SCANNER. Intra oral scanner is a advanced digital device that used to capture your teeth and gums ,which you can look into it the very next second. YES ,now that is possible with intra oral scanner. Impression is a major procedure that involves in every dental procedure.Almost our 98 % of procedures (Rct,Implant,Veneers,Ortho braces,Smile designing) needs impression to be taken. These impression are taken manually with rubber like material called  putty  or paste like material called  alginate .Sometimes these materials cause much discomfor

Recovery period for dental implants

                           HOW LONG DOES IT TAKES TO RECOVER FROM DENTAL IMPLANTS Many have a doubt ,how long does it takes to recover from dental implants ? Here we give you a detailed information on it. There is no healing period for implants.recovery depends on the healing time of gums. For single dental implants ,hardly it takes less than a half a day to recover  After dental implants,you can have a juice or ice cream ,followed by mild foods (rice/bread) and medications prescribed. It is better to avoid hot and spicy foods for three days from the day of implantation. For  all on 4 implants   and zygomatic implants  it takes not more than three days will take to recover from the day of implantation.. when the patient is under the period of recovery ,we at Dr.Vivek's MSRam's Dentistry takes complete care and follow up to make our patients  be in their comfortable zone Overall ,if you undergo any kind of dental implants,it takes not more than 3 days to recover .Even these thre


                               CAN I EAT NORMALLY AFTER DENTAL IMPLANTS? Many have a fear,whether they can chew ,bite and eat normally after dental implants.We are here to give you best solution for all your doubts. HOW DENTAL IMPLANTS HELPS IN CHEWING PROCESS? Before this ,let us first look ,how our natural teeth helps in chewing process. As we all know,our natural tooth has been fixed to our jaws completely ,it has all its strength from bone.So we can bite whatever we wish. Our natural teeth will not broke easily so we will eat as per our wish.But when it comes to dental implants we will have a little fear to eat our favorites. Now you have not to be worried ,as we clear you that dental implants also emerge from our jaws. Our normal teeth can bite up to an average of 200 pounds of pressure  (ie 90 kg .)Yes ,there is record of people moving ship ,cars with their teeth. As we see in implants,biting force is upto 50 pounds ( ie-22 kg) So imagine we are not going to bite anything that we

Will dental implants make differences in speech ?

                                                        DENTAL IMPLANTS FOR BETTER SPEECH  Will Dental implants helps in improving your oral health in a more comfortable way you imagine? REMOVABLE DENTURES & SPEECH If you are worrying about speech due to dentures,Here is the brief explanation and solution for you from us. In case of removable denture,during speech you may feel slip of denture .Some people feels shy to speak in front of others.With these discomfort,many people will remove it from their mouth,which is not good for their oral health. We should NOT wear denture only during sleep time.If we remove it often your denture will give a loose- fitting.It brings a major discomfort in your life style. With  dentures, it takes  a little long time to practice your speech normally. IMPLANTS AND SPEECH Dental implants can bring back your normal speech immediately we give your new teeth. (permanent dentures) Because dental implants resembles your natural tooth upto 98.9%.There is no