
Showing posts from May, 2021


                                               ARE DENTAL IMPLANTS  PAINFUL? Missing teeth often leads to disintegration of the jaw bone, recession of gums, weakening of adjacent teeth and may also deprive individual's of their smile. Traditionally, dentures and bridges were used to replace the missing teeth, but nowadays, Dental Implants have become more popular. Dental Implants are nothing but the metal made up of titanium , which serve as the artificial root for the fixed or removable replacement teeth. DO DENTAL IMPLANT PROCEDURES HURT? The procedure involves several steps and the timelines of the procedure is fairly quick which may take around 1 hour and vary among patients based on the number of implants to fitted. First, we at Dr . Vivek's MSRam's Dentistry , used to develop an individualized treatment plan based on OPG and CBCT.  Then the patient is put under either  Local Anesthesia or General Anesthesia, before the start of the procedure in-order to prevent pain


                                                      ARE YOU DENTAL PHOBIC?                         ARE YOU IN THE VICIOUS CIRCLE OF DENTAL ANXIETY? Dental anxiety is the fear that prevents you from visiting the dentist. It is estimated to affect 36% of the population.It may be due to various triggering factors including: *FEAR OF DENTAL DRILLS, *FEAR OF NEEDLES *FEAR OF DENTAL SITTING *TRAUMATIC DENTAL EXPERIENCES *TRUST ISSUES But delaying the visit to the dentist won't solve the problem! In fact, you will require a much complex treatment later on. Let the dentist tailor your treatment plan! Some coping techniques for anxiety are: ~Deep breathing ~ Meditation ~Guided imagery ~Progressive muscle relaxation ~Distraction (such as listening to music)  DENTAL PHOBIA CAN AFFECT YOUR ORAL HEALTH! Regular dental checkups,cleanings and X-rays will prevent the dental disease and help us to find any problems early, so that only SIMPLE TREATMENTS are needed.  We at, Dr . Vivek's MSRam&#


                   POST OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS AFTER TOOTH REMOVAL Immediately following tooth removal - Bite firmly on the cotton pad for 30 minutes covering the wound site followed by consuming cold juice without straw or ice cream in a cup to help stop the bleeding. You may have difficulty feeling your lips , cheeks or tongue due to numbness. This is a temporary feeling and will wear off within 2 to 6 hours. Please take care not to bite your lips,cheeks or tongue. Take all medications as prescribed. Remember not to take the pain medication without food in your stomach.  If you have received sutures, an appointment will be needed to remove the sutures in 3-5 days. For the first 24 hours following tooth removal  1.Do not SMOKE( The longer you avoid smoking , the better your healing will progress). 2.Do not drink through a STRAW( avoid carbonated beverages). 3.Do not Blow your nose ( If your sinus was involved in the procedure, you should avoid blowing your nose or playing a wind music


                                                              BUSTING  DENTAL MYTHS                                                                             MYTH  Professional cleaning of teeth causes teeth loosening,gum problems and should be done only for special conditions.               FACT Professional cleaning treats gum problem and bad breath. In fact cleaning  every 6 months can prevent many dental problems. ___________________________________________________________________________________                                                                           MYTH My parents had good dental health so i really don't have to worry about mine.                                                                            FACT  Genetics play a small role in determining your dental health .it mostly depends on how you take good care of your teeth and gums. ___________________________________________________________________________________                                    


 DIABETIC MELLITUS :TIPS FOR MANAGING YOUR RISKS OF ORAL HEALTH PROBLEMS   Regular dental visits are important.Practicing good oral hygiene and having professional deep cleanings done by your dentist can help your HbA1c. If oral surgery is planned, your doctor or dentist will tell you if you need to take any pre-surgical antibiotic,if you need to change your meal schedule or the timing and dosage of your insulin (if you take insulin.)  Postpone non-emergency dental procedures if your blood sugar is not in good control.However, acute infections such a abscesses, should be treated right away .  Avoiding tobacco usage.  Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and a soft tooth brush. Floss and rinse away all the plaques on and between your teeth.  Eating healthy and regular meals. Try to book your appointments for the morning when your insulin levels are more stable.                                         Teamwork involving self care and professional care from your dentist will be bene


                                                              DIABETES AND ORAL HEALTH                                                                                                     Diabetes affects your body's ability to process sugars.All the food you eat is turned into sugar and used for energy.The warning signs of diabetes includes increased thirst, increased hunger, weight loss,fatique and exhaustion,increased urination.  If diabetes is left untreated , it can affect your oral health too.people with diabetes face a higher risk of : 1. DRY MOUTH : Uncontrolled diabetes decrease the salivary flow, resulting in dry mouth.Dry mouth can further lead to soreness, ulcers,infectiona and tooth decay. 2. DELAYED HEALING : Wounds with uncontrolled diabetes do not heal quickly after oral surgery or other dental procedures because blood flow to the treatment site being hampered. 3. GINGIVITIS AND PERIODONTITIS : Diabetes leads to thickening of the blood vessels , which may inturn lea

Did you know the reasons behind BAD BREATH?

                                                   Did you  know the reasons behind BAD BREATH? BAD BREATH , also called HALITOSIS , can be caused by many reasons. 1. Food : Some of the food items like garlic, onion, coffee, spicy or fragnant foods can cause temporary bad breath. 2. Tobacco .  Smoking and tobacco use cause bad breath, and may prone to oral cancers, stain teeth and irritate your gums.  3. Dental issues : Bad breath can be caused by dental issues such as gum disease or cavitites . crowded teeth or ill-fitting dental appliances can also cause bad breath. 4. Dry Mouth : Lack of saliva creates dry mouth, which may be a side effects of medications, smoking, or mouth breathing or it could be a symptom of an underlying health concern. 5. Diseases : Sinus infections, tonsillitis, respiratory issues and even diabetes can result in bad breath. In order to address bad breath, you need to understand what's causing it.The best way to discover the underlying reason for bad breath


                                        DENTAL CONSIDERATIONS IN PATIENTS WITH COVID-19.   Fever, fatigue and dry cough may be the most prominent symptoms of COVID-19, but now a rare and strange symptom has been established among some patients, which causes infection inside the mouth called ‘COVID tongue’ . The pictures depicts the characteristics of the covid tongue : A)White plaque on the tongue dorsum, associated with ulcers and a nodule located in the lower lip B)Geographic tongue C)The patient, recovered from COVID-19, showing atrophic areas surrounded by an elevated yellow-white halo classified as moderate geographic tongue. Patients affected and/or recovered from covid-19, might be diagnosed with the above mentioned oral manifestations.Therefore the following instructions have to be taken care of for further prevention. 1.HYDRATION 2.AVOIDING HOT AND SPICY FOODS 3.TAKING VITAMIN SUPPLEMENTS TO PREVENT FURTHER ULCERATIONS 4.MAINTAINING PROPER ORAL HYGIENE ( BRUSHING TWICE DAILY ,

How effective is LANAP laser gum surgery?

                                                   How effective is LANAP laser gum surgery? LANAP stands for Laser Assissted New Attachment procedure. It is usually done  in persons with gums and periodontal diseases. The warning signs of gum disease includes bleeding while brushing, bad breath, red swollen gums, loosening of teeth . we, at Dr.Viveks MSRams dentistry, have done many LANAP procedures for the persons with severe gum and periodontal diseases. For example , here is the pre-operative photograph of the patient , who came to us with the chief complaints of bleeding of gums while brushing and mobility of teeth in her lower front teeth region . we advised scaling followed by LANAP.                                                                                                                      PRE- OPERATIVE                                                                          LANAP When we use LANAP to assist in gum disease treatment, the laser stimulates healthy gum ti