Dental fluorosis is a condition that casuses changes in the appearance of tooth enamel.it may result when children regularly consume fluoride during the teeth forming years ,age 8 and younger.



                                            Dental fluorosis happens when a child consistenly ingests too much fluoride while their permanent teeth are still forming under their gums .this includes drinking heavily fluoridated water or swallowing fluoride toothpaste. dental fluorosis in adults doesn't occur .it only affects teeth are still developing under the gums .the majority of fluorosis cases are minor and do not require treatment. It could also only impact the rear teeth, which aren’t visible.



                        A variety of procedures can considerably enhance the appearance of teeth with moderate-to-severe fluorosis. So, here are some of the techniques used for dental fluorosis treatment:

  •                      Veneers are custom-made shells that cover the front of the teeth to improve their appearance. In cases of severe fluorosis, this method is frequently utilized.

  •                            MI Paste is a calcium phosphate substance that is occasionally used in conjunction with other treatments to reduce tooth discolouration, such as microabrasion.
                                   Another effective fluorosis treatment method is the use of dental crowns.

                                  Tooth whitening and other treatments for removing surface stains are available. Be careful that whitening your teeth may potentially worsen your fluorosis 

                                   Bonding is a procedure that involves coating a tooth with a strong resin that adheres to your enamel.

                                       So, these are some of the techniques that are used to treat dental fluorosis. Don’t waste a second if you feel that this disease is at its severe level. Immediately consult the dentist.

 We at Dr.Vivek's MSRams dentistry have provided effective treatment to many patients and the outcome of the procedure was successful. To know more about us click here.

                                              MSR DENTISTRY  AND IMPLANT CENTER.

                                                                  Vallarlar Illam NO 68,
                                                                         Anna  Street,
                                                                     Chennai - 600064.
                        Landmark : Near Gangai amman koil                      




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