Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to come into the mouth (erupt). Most people have four wisdom teeth at the back of the mouth — two on the top, two on the bottom.

                          Pain  is a sign that their wisdom teeth have erupted and may need  extraction .but it is not only reason for wisdom teeth removal others include recurring infections in the soft tissue behind the last teeth,cysts,tumours,damage to neigbouring teeth,tooth decay ,and gum diseases.

  1.Inflammation and infection:    

                                                 Due to limited space and partial impactions, wisdom teeth often lead to gum inflammation. This can lead to painful gum disease. Recent studies show that once inflammation onset, it is very difficult to alleviate it and it spreads to surrounding area.When a tooth is partially impacted, a separation between it and the gums creates a breeding ground for bacteria, which  increases the risk of infection.


2. Damage to nearby teeth

                                            The third molar eruption can force the adjacent teeth to shift their position.tis causes pain, bite problems, overcrowding and making it dufficult to brus and floss effectively and eventually lead go decay.         
3. Cysts or tumors:

                                         An impacted wisdom tooth can lead to tiny tumors or cysts in the jawbone, which can lead to joint pain that would require the assistance of a TMJ specialist and a variety of TMJ  treatment options that you would rather avoid.


4. Difficulty Eating:

                                     If you experience pain while eating, this might be a reason to have your wisdom teeth taken out. Food could be getting stuck between the gums and the tops of the teeth. This could cause many problems if you cannot get to the back of the mouth and clean well enough while brushing.



                               The position of the wisdom teeth can have a significant impact on cleaning surfaces where bacteria can hide and affect dental health. If the gums become irritated, pockets can develop between the teeth and cause bacteria to grow. This will then promote the development of cavities and tooth decay, eventually leading to infection.

Cavity in Molar

  We at Dr.Vivek's MSRams dentistry have provided effective treatment to many patients and the outcome of the procedure was successful. To know more about us click here.

                                              MSR DENTISTRY  AND IMPLANT CENTER.

                                                                  Vallarlar Illam NO 68,
                                                                         Anna  Street,
                                                                     Chennai - 600064.
                        Landmark : Near Gangai amman koil                      



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