
Showing posts from December, 2022


                                     Breast feeding is the most natural gift that a mother can give to her child. Along with taking care of baby teeth of their infants, it’s really important to take care of their own dental health. A breastfeeding mother should practise her routine oral hygiene care to keep her teeth and gums in healthy state. Here are some dental health tips for new mothers.                                                            Tip 1: Schedule your dental appointment soon. Once all postpartum checkups are done, you must visit a kids dentist for a routine preventive visit. Elevated levels of pregnancy hormones can affect oral health of pregnant women. This, in turn, can lead to inflammation of gums, bleeding and bad breath. A constant check on oral tissues can help to prevent any dental disease. Occasionally, it has been seen that due to postpartum stress, some mothers develop teeth grinding habit. Speaking to your dentist can help you prevent this habit. Tip 2: D


  Keep A Check On Bleeding  – Slight bleeding for the first 24 hours is considered acceptable because you have just had a tooth removed. Try to sit upright and avoid any vigorous activity for a few days after the extraction. To control bleeding and maintain the blood clot that has formed on top, rinse your mouth first and then bite down on a gauze.                                                        Take Medicines  – Your medication is meant to help with the tooth pain and swelling that may follow after the extraction. Make sure that you are taking them on time and carry on with your daily life.                                                            Rest  – Rest is the best way to heal any problem that your body faces. Instead of rushing back to your routine and joining work again, take a while to recover first. Heavy exercise is not recommended at all while you heal from tooth extraction as the strain may cause the blood clot to move. Also, while you are resting, make sure that


                                 You've got lots of choices if you're looking for a way to freshen your breath. But if you want to do something healthy for your teeth and gums too, make mouth rinsing part of your daily routine. Mouthwash is not a substitute for brushing and flossing. But if you have trouble doing those correctly, rinsing can help protect you from cavities or gum disease. Fluoride rinses help prevent tooth decay.                                                     Mouthwash Ingredients They usually include one or more of these: Fluoride. It helps reduce tooth decay and prevent cavities. Antimicrobials . They kill the bacteria that cause bad breath, plaque, and gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums at the early stages of gum disease. Astringent salt. It's a type of deodorizer that can temporarily cover up bad breath. Odor neutralizers . They can attack the cause of bad breath. Whiteners, such as peroxide. They can help against stains on your teeth        


                         Bad breath is one of the most common problems we face in our society.How many people are aware of it? Spotting bad breath in others is so easy but most people with halitosis are not aware that they have it. Just about everyone has had bad breath, but for some it’s a persistent problem . Bad breath is often caused by ineffective oral hygiene, medical conditions like diabetes and medication side effects.                                                           Here are some ways to get rid of bad breath. 1)Brush twice a day and floss daily to clean your mouth and remove food trapped between your teeth that may later turn stale and smell nasty. 2)Use a tongue scraper to clean the surfaces of your tongue that’s often missed by brushing alone. 3)Chew sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva flow and stop your mouth from drying out. A dry mouth can lead to bad breath. 4)Quit smoking.Smoking also causes cancer. 5)Thoroughly rinse your mouth with water after eating or snack


                                        Have you ever wondered if your full smile could show only your beautiful teeth and not the gums?  Have you tried to hide your smile because of the gums being very prominent on smiling??? If this is exactly what is bothering you, we have a solution to fix your ‘Gummy Smile’.                                                                                                    Gummy smile is characterised by excessive display of gums on smiling. A normal smile comprises of 2/3rd to 3/4th of the teeth being displayed and the rest covered by the lips over it. However, the presence of more than 2-3mm of gum display as a continuous band on speech or normal smiling is a characteristic of gummy smile and may cause unaesthetic ap-pearances. The presence of gummy smile is more predominant in females as compared to males. It is also carried over generations and has a hereditary inclination.  Causes of gummy smile:                                     1.    Short


                                            Did you know that oral health is closely linked with overall health? If you have an underlying health issue, it may affect your smile. Likewise, an existing dental issue can affect your total-body health. Here are some common diseases that can increase your risk of tooth decay.                                                              Autoimmune Disorder s                                              With autoimmune disorders, the body is fighting itself which can cause issues throughout the body, including the mouth. Tooth decay, decreased saliva production, and off-balance pH levels in the oral cavity can be side effects of many autoimmune disorders. Diabetes                                               Diabetes is the body’s inability to produce or properly use insulin. In turn, this affects how your body breaks down food and turns it into energy. A common effect of diabetes is dry mouth. When the mouth isn’t creating as much saliva as


                                       Bleeding gums are extremely common – to such an extent that most of us will experience them during our life time. Bleeding gums are one of the first signs of gum disease and should act as a red flag that something needs to change in our oral health routine. Brush twice a day for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste                                  Brushing our teeth twice a day for two minutes with a fluoride toothpaste is vital for gum health and also helps protect against other oral diseases. For best results, brush last thing at night and at one other time during the day, using an electric toothbrush. It is equally as important that we spit out the excess toothpaste after brushing and don’t rinse our mouth out with water. This makes sure the fluoride stays on our teeth longer, giving us that extra protection.   Use interdental brushes or floss                                 Using interdental brushes or floss is another key component of a goo


                  Healthy breathing occurs through the nose, with right amount of Oxygen intake while breathing in and release of Carbon-dioxide while breathing out. When you stop breathing from the nose, your mouth tends to open and you start breathing through your mouth instead. This leads to deficiencies in O 2  , CO 2 , and NO  in body cells due to hyperventilation.                                                                             When we breathe through our mouth, the air dries up the saliva which is a natural lubricant of the mouth as well as for all the food we eat. Due to this dryness, bacteria tends to grow faster in the oral cavity, which can often lead to various kind of diseases such as:                                      1. Decreased blood supply for vital organs                                      2. Constriction of airway and polluted air leads to shortness of breath, nasal congestion, frequent nose, throat and chest infections such as: