Bad breath is one of the most common problems we face in our society.How many people are aware of it? Spotting bad breath in others is so easy but most people with halitosis are not aware that they have it. Just about everyone has had bad breath, but for some it’s a persistent problem.Bad breath is often caused by ineffective oral hygiene, medical conditions like diabetes and medication side effects.


Here are some ways to get rid of bad breath.

1)Brush twice a day and floss daily to clean your mouth and remove food trapped between your teeth that may later turn stale and smell nasty.

2)Use a tongue scraper to clean the surfaces of your tongue that’s often missed by brushing alone.

3)Chew sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva flow and stop your mouth from drying out. A dry mouth can lead to bad breath.

4)Quit smoking.Smoking also causes cancer.

5)Thoroughly rinse your mouth with water after eating or snacking if you are unable to brush.

6)Snack on apples, pears, carrots, celeries and cucumbers. 

These crunchies encourage production of saliva.Avoid onions and sulphur containing foods.

7)Eat fruits that are rich in Vitamin C like berries and guavas. Vitamin C helps fight gum diseases and gingivitis which cause bad breath.

8)Switch to an alcohol-free mouthwash. Alcohol can dry out and irritate your mouth.

9)If you’re on medications, be sure to inform your dentist about them. A lot of meds can cause dry mouth.

10)Make sure that you visit your dentist at least twice a year for checkups and dental cleanings.

11)Do Oil Pulling using Gingelly oil. regularly everyday to eliminate the disease process completely.

If you’re already practicing these and nasty breath a persists, ask your dentist for additional

                                    We at,Dr.Vivek's MSRams dentistry, care for your smile irrespective of your age.To know more about us clickhere.

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                                                                     Chennai - 600064.
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