
Showing posts from August, 2023


 Water Floss  It  is a  device which uses a stream of high-pressure pulsating water intended to remove dental plaque  and food debris between teeth and below the gum line. The device may also provide easier cleaning for patients with braces and crown. Therefore, water floss became a key part of the required home care aid especially for patients with gum disease. Other names include Water pick,Dental water jet,Oral irrigator How to Use It?? A water flosser will not replace your tooth brush or traditional flossing. You still need to brush your teeth twice a day, but you can use the water flosser before or after. Fill your water flosser's reservoir with lukewarm water, then put the flosser tip in your mouth. Lean over the sink to avoid a mess and stand in front of the mirror for initial usage. Turn it on and start to use. Hold the handle at a 90-degree angle to your teeth and spray. Water comes out in steady pulses, cleaning between your teeth.  Focus on the top of your teeth, the gum


  What is the entire point of brushing your teeth? To remove the plaque and bacteria that causes  gum disease  and tooth decay, right? Keeping this in mind, brushing your tongue is critical in removing all of the bacteria and germs from your mouth.  If you do not brush your tongue, you are skipping a large area where many bacteria gather in colonies, and eventually cause trouble in your mouth.  For your tongue, the bacteria can grow and multiply on the surface of your tongue because there are lots of crevices and cracks for them to hide in. In addition to causing oral health problems, if you do not brush your tongue, you may start suffering from  halitosis  (bad breath) How to clean your tongue? Tongue cleaning can be done simultaneously while brushing.The technique include; Back and Forth Take your toothbrush (after wetting it to soften the bristles) and brush the center of your tongue back and forth for a few strokes gently.You can also use your back side of the toothbrush to clean y


  TOOTHBRUSH                    Toothbrush is a tool used for cleaning the teeth,gums and tongue.  When coming to buying a toothbrush;we have various options for it.Mostly we consider factors like colour,brand and price of the tooth brush.       To choose the right toothbrush the following factors should be considered; Size of brush head Type of bristles Round vs Straight bristles Manual vs Electric toothbrush Size of brush head; There is a different size of toothbrush recommended for children versus adults, so be sure to purchase the toothbrush that is right for your needs.   Brush heads vary in sizes, it is important to look for a brush head that can reach those hard-to-clean areas in our mouths. Aim for a toothbrush with a smaller head as it allows you to focus on the areas we commonly miss with large headed toothbrushes. Type of bristles ; Tooth brush bristles usually comes in different types like Soft,Medium,Hard & Ultra soft.Hard bristles may damage your protecting layer of