
Showing posts from February, 2018

gold dental crowns

                              DO YOU WANT GOLD CROWN IN YOUR MOUTH? YES!gold dental crown is a unique material to be placed in our teeth.It is not much aware among people as this is not teeth color.But still there are some people who are in need of this crown. The main advantage of this is, high strength & durability.People who are aesthetic concern can place this crown in their back tooth. ADVANTAGES There are many advantages of gold crowns.Lets see one by one of them: 1.High strength and high durability 2.Less abrasive than other types of crowns(metal,zirconia,e max) 3.Fits perfectly and accurately on tooth 4.Long standing crown than other types . 5.Only limited amount of tooth reduction is done for this crown. 6.Expansion is similar to natural tooth 7.Free from cracking,chipping & breaking. Dental gold crowns are not 100% gold.But it is hard enough for its longevity.The smoothness and purity of gold does not stain

how to get rid of mouth ulcers?

                               DO YOU WANT TO GET RID OF YOUR MOUTH ULCER? Whenever we get an ulcer in our mouth,we want to get rid of it quickly.Because it is one of the most irritating one.There are many reasons for ulcer to occur.But there are so many ways to get rid off it.Here we are to figure you out the reasons and remedies for mouth ulcers. REASONS FOR MOUTH ULCERS There are vast reasons for mouth ulcers to occur.but none of them is serious.It is a periodical ulcer,which disappear on its own.Now lets know about the reasons one by one: 1.TEMPERATURE RISES IN BODY When the temperature in body increases,due to that heat mouth ulcers will occur.mostly in summer season mouth ulcers are common. 2.BITTING LIPS OR TONGUE When we bit lips or tongue unknowingly ,ulcer will occur at that region.sometimes When we have food in fast manner,we end up in this situation. 3.FOREIGN PARTICLES When some foreign particles (pins,sharp items)prick our lips we

treatment for spacing in teeth

                   ARE YOU SHY TO SMILE FOR PHOTO PICS ,AS YOU HAVE SPACING  IN                                                                 BETWEEN YOUR TEETH? There are people who turned conscious during photography.They mainly concerned about their smile.When there is a proclined or spacing teeth people wont smile confidently for their photographs. Here we give a complete and perfect solution for specially these people. There are many ways to close spacing.Here it comes one by one: 1.Orthodontic treatment 2.Root canal treatment 3.Tooth colored filling 4.Veneers 1.ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT As we all know,braces will close the gaps in between teeth.But now with our advancements ,there is a new type of braces called CLEAR ALIGNERS.It is a transparent material like braces.Others will not know that you are wearing braces.The time duration is also less comparatively to metal braces.There is no food restrictions also here for  details about clear aligner

tooth cleaning

                                           IS TOOTH CLEANING NECESSARY ? Tooth cleaning is a important process everyone should aware off.Many questions will arise once you decided to do tooth cleaning.Here we are to give a perfect solution for it.                                             HOW CLEANING PROCESS IS DONE? Brushing can not remove all stains that present in your teeth.We dentist use ultrasonic scaler, which removes stains and calculus up to 99.9% .The scaler tip will vibrate upto 25,000 to 50,000 centimeters per second(CPS).It is normal vibration.Due to this vibration ,calculus will break down into pieces and come off.If calculus stays for more time in your mouth ,then definitely scaling should be done,normal brushing cannot remove it.Because it turns harder. Mild bleeding and sensitivity is normal after tooth cleaning.You will feel a small gap between each teeth ,as it was occupied by calculus before.And that was a healthy gap.To overcome all these w

root canal treatment


teeth aligners without braces


guided implants


painless injection

Everyone get their eyes blinked up,when they hear INJECTION.No matter what the age is everyone have a little fear about injection.People wants their medicines to be injected without pain.Here comes the solution for it.                                                NOW there is no need to fear for injection. Here is one more of our advancement which makes our field a splendid one.  GENOSOS ICT PAINLESS INJECTION ICT painless injection have lot of advantages.some of them are: Wireless portable injection device Easy placement and removal of anesthetic cartridge No pain function Voice information system Device condition in display content With the help of this device,you may not feel even the prick of injection.You will only feel,injected area is anesthetized.Slowly we will give you the anesthetic solution. The device has 3 levels of injection speed (250 mg/150 mg/50 mg) & it has a light indicator to show the speed of injection. It is complet

foods that enrich your teeth

There are many foods that enrich your teeth.Many say only about foods that spoil your teeth,but none educate us with foods that are good for teeth.We are here to give you a perfect solution for your question. Teeth usually get enrich with vitamins that present in foods.Lets see, how vitamins help in teeth. VITAMIN -D As we know ,vitamin d helps to absorb calcium and makes our teeth stronger. power sources of vitamin D-egg,cod liver oil,fish VITAMIN-C  It helps in reducing inflammation and adds strength to our blood vessels.It also helps in collagen formation.So vitamin c is best for our gums.And it also reduces infection ,if present in teeth. power sources of vitamin c-kiwi,strawberry,orange,broccoli,capsicum HERE ARE SOME OTHERS SOURCES WHICH HELPS TO KEEP OUR TEETH HEALTHY AND STRONG Firm and crunchy foods that rich in water.      When we have crunchy foods ,we will chew well over it.Chewing produces more saliva.Saliva is a natural neutralizer t