
Showing posts from January, 2018

will diabetes affect dental health

                                IS DIABETES HAVE LINK WITH DENTAL HEALTH Many have not known that diabetes have link with oral health.But ,yes diabetes have a connection with teeth.Once we are diabetic our teeth health will become poor.The glucose level will affect your gums and bone that hold the teeth firmly.    WHEN THERE IS A CHANGE IN BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVEL DIABETICS OCCUR.  There are two types of diabetes.  TYPE 1 diabetic - This is a condition where our body cannot produce glucose that gives energy to us. TYPE 2 diabetic - This is a condition where our body cells produce a resistance to insulin.Even it produces it cannot give any energy to us. How is the connection between diabetic and tooth occur Due to this uncontrolled blood glucose level,gum and bone gets weakens. High sugar level in blood leads to this complications.Amylase that present in saliva is the major reason for this.ALPHA amylase and PTYALIN contains glucose.So when there is increase in blood gluc

What are dental implants

                                                           DENTAL IMPLANTS WHAT ARE DENTAL IMPLANTS?                                                                                                                                                               Dental implants is   an  artificial root with crown, which helps to replaces missing teeth. Implants mimic 90% of our natural teeth. You can eat anything you want, once you replace your missing teeth with implants. BEFORE YOU KNOW ABOUT IMPLANTS YOU HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT NATURAL TEETH.  Teeth is the second  strongest part in our  body.Our teeth has 3 layers. Outer enamel, middle dentin and inner pulp.Vital tissue that covers the teeth is called GUMS.A tissue that connects gums to alveolar bone is called PERIODONTAL LIGAMENT. The bone that holds teeth to jaw (maxilla,mandible) is ALVEOLAR BONE .The blood vessels and connective tissue supply to teeth through the inner layer pulp. DENTAL IMPLANTS

Immediate replacement of missing teeth

Patient came to our MSR dentistry with the chief complaint of missing one front teeth.And she wants to replace it immediately.We examined the patient clinically,then we decided to replace it.We consulted the patient for both removable and fixed replacements.Patient wants to go for fixed replacement,so we decided to place an implant.  We placed the implant in completely painless procedure.On the day of implant placement we have given a temporary crown.                                                      BEFORE TREATMENT After 3 days we have given a permanent crown .patient is very happy and satisfactory.                                                  MSR DENTISTRY   AND IMPLANT  CENTER .                                                                          Address:-                                                                   Vallarlar Illam NO 68,                                                                          Anna 

brushing techniques

                  DO YOU KNOW THE CORRECT WAY TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH? Are you brushing correctly daily?We can proudly say that we are brushing twice daily.But do we know whether it is right or wrong?We are here to tell you the correct way of brushing. HOW TO BRUSH? FOR ADULTS Daily morning we brush our teeth in unconsciousness only. Because it is the first job we will do once we wake up.But little conscious is necessary during brushing.We dentist called the proper technique of brushing as modified bass technique .In this technique we should place the brush bristles at 45 degree so that your bristles is under the gum line.Move your brush in horizontal strokes or in tiny circular motion.Repeat it for 20 strokes.Do this in a very gentle way.Because in healthy gingiva you may not feel any pain,but in weak gingiva if you do it vigrously you will end up in bleeding.Then move out your brush toward the biting edge.This will help to remove plaque under the gums.To clean the f

dental myths

                                                BREAKING THE DENTAL MYTHS All dental facts that you hear are not true. Some questions will confuse you and stop you from doing dental treatment.Here we have given a solution for it.Dental treatment is simple and convenient among all treatments. First you should know the difference between myth and fact.FACT is an actual reality .MYTH is a think ,that people thinks themselves, it is correct .Because they hear it from everybody.Myth is actually like  fairy tale,everything in it is not reality but is not false.Here is an perfect example for myth and fact.Myth is not a false one,but it hides the real truth. From the above picture you would have clearly understand difference between myth and fact. Lets see to the dental myths now: CLEANING TEETH LEADS TO LESS STRENGTHENING OF TEETH You may hear this from almost everybody.By cleaning the teeth you will loose the strength of teeth.Absolutely NO.Cleaning is done

instructions to be followed after extraction

                                                    AFTER TOOTH  EXTRACTION. There are many questions arise in your mind once you decided to remove your teeth.  We are here to vanish your fear and doubts. BEFORE EXTRACTION First, before you go for extraction have your food and then go.Have at least snacks or fresh juice before you go for your extraction . If dentist have prescribed any tablets to be taken before extraction,please intake that also. Make your mind relax.Donot stress up yourself. AFTER EXTRACTION 1.ICE PACK Once your tooth is removed,we will provide ice pack to be keep in your extracted region.This is done to make you feel free from pain and swelling(in rare cases).We will also keep a gauge in your extracted site to stop bleeding process. 2. SWALLOW YOUR SALIVA  Please don't spit your saliva.Swallow it for  a day.Blood -stained saliva is normal after extraction.Swallow it do not spit.Because by splitting you are dislodging the clot that

removable replacements

          DO YOU WANT TO REPLACE YOUR MISSING TEETH IN AN                                                ECONOMICAL WAY?                           There are many ways in replacing a missing teeth..The option is yours.You can go for fixed replacements or removable replacements.Now here we give you detailed information about removable replacements. There are three types in removable replacement. 1.Bridges 2.Removable partial denture 3.Complete denture 1.BRIDGES  When there one missing teeth between two healthy natural teeth,then it is an ideal condition for bride placement.The name BRIDGE itself shows you the exact meaning.Yes it is connecting two teeth with an new teeth inbetween .The two teeth will give the full support for the new teeth.The supporting teeth should be treated with root canal treatment first.Then crown will be given in bridge type. 2.REMOVABLE PARTIAL DENTURE When there is one or more missing teeth where you cannot go for

tooth colored filling

                                                      TOOTH COLORED FILLING       Do you want to fill your decayed tooth similar to your natural tooth?Here is a                               perfect way for it!             Our teeth has three layers outer enamel,middle dentin and inner pulp.Starting stage of decay is when it lays on enamel.When decay is in dentin layer you will feel severe sensitivity and mild pain.But when it touches pulp you will feel the real pain. WHEN TOOTH COLORED FILLING CAN BE DONE? When decay is in dentin layer we can go for tooth colored filling.We dentist call it as COMPOSITE FILLING. Composite filling used to recover the decayed teeth.It also  plays a major role  for cosmetic purpose and reshaping of tooth.Gap between two teeth can also be done corrected with composite filling.It is completely painless and long standing procedure. WHAT IS TOOTH COLORED FILLING? Tooth colored filling (COMPOSITE) is a combination  of  pow

Do you know about your teeth?

                                                  DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR TEETH?     Do you know how many teeth  you have in your mouth?what are they used for? The upper jaw which has palate is called MAXILLA.The lower jaw which has tongue is called MANDIBLE.There 28 teeth in our oral cavity.We have four types of teeth.  1.Incisor 2.Canine 3.Premolar. 4.Molar 1.INCISOR      Incisor is our front teeth.there are two types of incisor.CENTRAL INCISOR and LATERAL INCISOR.Central incisor comes first followed by lateral incisor.Totally we have 8 incisors.4 central incisor (two in upper,two in lower) and 4 lateral incisor(two in upper,two in lower).Their main purpose is BITING.When we try to bite hard substances we use our front teeth.All food items will be placed first in front teeth, then pushed into back teeth.These incisors plays 85% in aesthetics role. 2.CANINE     Canine comes next to incisor.We are known it as lion's t