
Showing posts from November, 2022


                      Feeding milk to little ones with bottles is a common practice that is being followed since ages.  One of the most common damaging effect of bottle feeding is dental decay or rightly called baby bottle decay or nursing bottle decay.                                                Nursing bottle caries is tooth decay caused in children sleeping with bottles. This is also termed as baby bottle or nursing bottle tooth decay. It is characterised by extensive destruction of most of the milk teeth in infants who hold nursing bottles and pacifiers in their mouths for long periods of time, for example, while falling asleep with the pacifier in the mouth, therefore providing a favorable environment for bacteria to harbour. CAUSES OF NURSING BOTTLE DECAY Food products such as milk products, honey, fruit juices and pacifiers dipped with jelly Feeding at night thus posing a serious threat especially if the teeth not cleaned after feeding Feeding beyond the weaning age (beyond 1


                                  Cosmetically, missing a tooth is not fun. It can feel uncomfortable or embarrassing to have a gap in your teeth. But besides lacking elegance, missing a tooth can be harmful to your dental health. This is why it is important to replace the tooth with a dental implant, a dental bridge, removable partial dentures etc. Your dentist will discuss the options that best suit your needs.  Here are some reasons why replacing a missing tooth is vital to your dental health.                                                                                                1.   Teeth may shift and loosen.   When every tooth is in your mouth, neatly in a row, they can keep each other lined up and stable. If you were missing a tooth however, you risk the possibility of teeth shifting.  teet h  can   drift out  of place  , leading to a change in your bite, potential gum disease and possible tooth decay.                                     2.  Your face could change.  The


 WHAT IS MOUTH ULCER ?                                        Mouth ulcers are normally  small painful lesions that develops in the mouth or at the base of the gums.they can make eating,drinking and talking uncomfortable.women,adolescents and people with family istory of mouth ulcers are more likely to develope tese ulcers.they are also known as aptous ulcer.                                                CAUSES:                                Accidentally biting your cheek or lip lead to an ulcer .                                Improper diet can lead to ulcers.                               abits like cheek biting or lip biting causes ulcers.                                Improperly fitting dentures.                                  Stress or anxiety causes ulcers.                                Sharp edge of a tooth or restoration causes ulcer .                                hormonal changes in some  women  can cause ulcers.                                Some diseases like herpes


 DENTAL FLUOROSIS                                           Dental fluorosis is a condition that casuses changes in the appearance of tooth may result when children regularly consume fluoride during the teeth forming years ,age 8 and younger.                                             REASONS FOR FLUOROSIS                                             Dental fluorosis happens when a child consistenly ingests too much fluoride while their permanent teeth are still forming under their gums .this includes drinking heavily fluoridated water or swallowing fluoride toothpaste. dental fluorosis in adults doesn't occur .it only affects teeth are still developing under the gums .t he majority of fluorosis cases are minor and do not require treatment. It could also only impact the rear teeth, which aren’t visible.           DENTAL FLUOROSIS TREATMENT                         A variety of procedures can considerably enhance the appearance of teeth with moderate-to-severe fluorosis. S


                           Teeth sensitivity can occur when you consume hot, cold, sweet or sour foods and even by breathing cold air .   Pain can be sharp, sudden and shoot deep into tooth nerve endings.the teeth sensitivity can eiter be a chronic issue or a temporary problem.                        CAUSES OF SENSITIVE TEETH                                         Some people suffer from sensitivity more than others because they have thinner enamel.the enamel is the outermost layer of the teeth ,which helps protect them. mention below are some of the major causes of sensitive teeth among people.   CONSUMING MORE ACIDIC FOOD                                        Some people love to eat tomatoes ,fruits,fruit juices ,citrus stuff etc.. they like to have such foods ,making their mouth fill with water.however, it can cause multiple problems with their teeth .the outermost layer of the teeth is know as enamel.the enamel can get eroded  by the consumption of foods and drinks which are aci


                                    Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to come into the mouth (erupt). Most people have four wisdom teeth at the back of the mouth — two on the top, two on the bottom.                           Pain  is a sign that their wisdom teeth have erupted and may need  extraction .but it is not only reason for wisdom teeth removal others include recurring infections in the soft tissue behind the last teeth,cysts,tumours,damage to neigbouring teeth,tooth decay ,and gum diseases.    1. Inflammation and infection :                                                      Due to limited space and partial impactions, wisdom teeth often lead to gum inflammation. This can lead to painful gum disease. Recent studies show that once inflammation onset, it is very difficult to alleviate it and it spreads to surrounding area.When a tooth is partially impacted, a separation between it and the gums creates a breeding ground for bacteria, which  increases the risk of infection.


                          Dental flossing is a cord of thin filaments used to remove food and dental plaque from between teeth in areas a tootbrush is unable to reach.                                                                                                                             FORMS OF DENTAL FLOSSING:                                       1.    Waxed  / Non waxed                                       2.    flavoured  / unflavoured                                       3.    thick / thin                                       4.    flouridated / Non fluoridated                                       BENEFITS OF DENTAL FLOSSING                                    1.   Prevents tooth decay                                    2.   Prevents gum disease                                    3.   Alleviate bad breath                                    4.   Prevents halitosis                                    5.   Polishes tooth surface                        STEPS OF PROPER FLOSSING: